Thursday 23 February 2012

the lagging in love.

How did we get here?

is a question i ask myself in regards with the way we communicate with our lovers.
how did we come from literally seeing each other, to letters, to phone calls, to sms, to emails, and eventually here to WhatsApp, BBM and the sorts.

What we've done is amazing, bridged the distance and level of communication between lovers. We've created this multi layered pathway for lovers to constantly talk to each other seamlessly and almost 24/7.

Yet, what we've done is compromised the space in between. we become so caught up in the rush and need of each other, we grow constantly with this desire of 'wanting' each other so much, that it has become a need to always be in contact.

i contemplate often on how my grandparents used to communicate, how they forged their marriage for over 50 years, their friendship before and their love until today.

What I'm trying to get here is that with the advent of speed and technology, we've adapted and forced ourselves to be always 'wanting' -- attention, time, the desire to talk, when really, the space in between for lovers matters too.

the space in between to learn about oneself, to attend to one's needs, to be able to function as an individual first rather than having one's fingers glued to the phone - attending to the attention and need of another (lover).

I imagine that with letters and the postal service back in the day, how the space in between allowed each to anticipate the arrival of the letter, while in between, there was so much longing, so much patience, waiting, understanding and yearning that made a person to be a more wholesome individual.
perseverance With that said, let's continue to love in moderation, in abundance, in acceptance, in understanding, in patience, and in perseverance.