Tuesday 22 May 2012

Working with the Best Elites.

Yesterday's workout with absolutely strong and elite athletes at the gym put two words in my head:
Perseverance and Discipline.

A very engagingly difficult workout which involves running - outside of my element - made me wonder, How do these guys do it ? How do these guys maintain the mental tenacity , the pace, the strength and the power to keep going ?

Besides all the other variant elements involved, I saw Perseverance and Discipline stamped all over the evening as we managed 3 rounds of 400m runs, 21 kettlebell swings, and 12 pull ups.

Using Soon as a pacer in the first round was intriguing. Putting my abilities to the test, I attempted to 'follow' one of the very fittest in Malaysia at the moment (arguably). Shit myself after Round 1.
Round 2 saw me pacing up with Greg - a monster of a man with jaw dropping strength. Shitfaced after that too.

My body wanted to shutdown with the mind yelling, keep going. I did. And after 12:06, it was over. A time I never thought I'd achieve without 'following' these boys into the unknown - well, into an abyss of pain after.

Discipline is a word I never enjoyed hearing. Growing up, it meant regiment, it meant responsibility, it meant rules, it meant all the nasty things I detested. It didn't mean fun, it didn't mean a good time and certainly didn't mean enjoyment.

Yet, discipline helps us get there , with perseverance it keeps us fighting. Discipline allows us to focus at the end game. It keeps us in check - how we eat, how we choose to live our lives, how we go about handling the details.

Time to get a little more disciplined.

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