Wednesday 23 November 2011

Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself (James 2:17)

gentleman on the right is Balan. I bumped into him tonight on our way to dinner. when i first met him, he was bleeding profusely on his arm, with a gashing wound large enough for me to take a peek into the inner parts of his flesh. Balan slipped because of the rain and slit his arm open. some were standing around as he attempted to use grass to try and stop the bleeding. Vee tried with tissues, but indeed, this needed more attention.

8 stitches and a couple of hundred dollars later, he was sewed up pretty good with painkillers and antibiotics to go.

I, for one, am no saint. I just remembered a few things which called on faith to move into action. I don't think any sort of pride and all that bs should be credited to me. It was indeed a strange situation to be put into on your way to dinner. It was indeed a very delicate moment in time - where you are caught in a dilemma with yourself to either extend your hand or walk away and hope for the best for the man.

Perhaps, the moral of tonight's event is simple. Irregardless of your beliefs, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, I think we are all in some point of time be tossed into a situation to be good to our fellow man. Often times, to people we may not even know. In those circumstances, here's my word out to you, to simply 'do good'.

You may not be a Jesus or Buddha, but whatever little indeed helps.

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