Monday 21 November 2011

Fat vs Fit

Not all of us were born to be great and talented athletes. Neither were many of us designed to perform like beasts and warriors on the field. Some of us are indeed mediocre and 'just right'.

At the same time, what separates the elite from the mediocre are perhaps two things:

1. Potential
2. Harnessing Potential

Everyone, whether they like to believe it or not, have this inherent potential to perform and 'be' beyond themselves. The only barrier to ever expressing this potential is perhaps their ability to harness and take advantage of that potential. This in fact, takes countless hours of effort, time, trial and error, experimentation and discipline.

It is true, there are no short cuts to greatness, only a road which a few with courage may want to walk, run, lift and carry.

Let me try and put it into context of sport. I for one was never excellent in many of the sports i pursued in. Pretty mediocre I'd say.

Yet, at the same time, I'd like to see the power of sport and life correlate in strange and philosophical ways. Sport and life is like a continuous journey of development. OF oneself, body, mind, and spirit.

The achievement to be 'great' doesn't come instantaneously. It requires a lot of patience and perseverance. To shave that extra 5kgs, to lift that extra 10, to beat that 2 seconds from before. It's all a matter of continuous exercise of self development in 'getting there'.

Along the way, injuries like hurdles are bound to occur. This is where the test of mental toughness and intelligence comes to play. How you deal with yourself, how you manage your body, how you continue to fight and move (literally). If we allow these hurdles to impede development, the road to greatness and the battle with it is already lost. As I stand, my back is not the same as it was and now the shoulder has given way (just a tad), yet in my head, i know there are ways to be above this.

You may be fat now and your journey may just have begun in your walk to leading a better life. A healthier one, a more wholesome one and a wiser one - with decisions on how we can continue to be better than we were yesterday.

I for one, am still on this journey. Attempting to be better than yesterday.

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