Wednesday 4 April 2012


Here's an except from Pushmore about a fun way to do charity - raising funds through the things you're passionate about, good at, for a great cause. 

I'm looking to participate and hoping perhaps to look for some of you kind souls to help me pledge so we can do this TOGETHER. It's not just me performing, but very much you as well.

Do read the deets as below. If you're keen and want to talk to me privately, DO NOT HESITATE. 

PushMore Fitness Centre is participating in a charity drive to raise funds for House of Joy, one of the homes under Joy To The World Community Services (JTTWCS), Petaling Jaya. We will be organizing a “Fight Gone Bad” workout where athletes can work out and pledge their contribution “via reps”. This event is open to all members. Event details as follows:
Date: April 14th, 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Location: PushMore Fitness Centre
Who is the money going to?
The House of Joy children’s home in Puchong was burnt down last New Year’s Eve, leaving 35 underprivileged children in tears and homeless. Currently, the children are temporarily housed at the Puchong Jaya multipurpose hall while the management looks for another home.
What is “Fight Gone Bad”?
In this workout you move from each of five (5) stations after a minute. This is a five (5)-minute round from which a one (1)-minute break is allowed before repeating. The stations are:
Wall-Balls @ 10kg/5kg, 10ft/8ft target
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull @ 35kg/25kg
Box Jumps @ 24”/20”
Push-Press @ 35kg/25kg
Double Unders
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises.
On call of “ROTATE!” the athlete/s must move to the next station immediately for a good score. One point is given for each rep. At the end of the workout the sum of the reps will give a total score.
How do we raise money through this workout?
Sum/value of donation will be based on the total number of repetitions completed by the athletes. Donors will sponsor an athlete by pledging an amount per repetition.
Example: A pledge of RM 1 per repetition with a total score of 343 reps completed by the athletes will require the donors to donate a value of RM 343

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