Sunday 15 April 2012

friends and friendships.

Gone are the days when friendship circles exist in the multitudes of 10s and 20s. Back in the day when there were no such thing as clicks or pacts, but everyone were simply friends. 

Today, we are a divided bunch. Driven by different passions, ideals, hobbies and such. 

However, there are those who choose to alienate you, to judge you, and just simply not talk to you. These are the fuckers.
Yet, you can't blame anyone, that's life. The natural order of things .That's the way people are. 

I pondered a few months back on this and thought about this today, how really easy it is to say that we have many friends, but really, not many friendships. 

In my point of view, to be a REALLY a friend, you've got to go beyond faults, judgement and the dirty things. You've got to look beyond the fact that he/she smells like shit, has bad time management, can't be reliable, and all those different and difficult personality traits.

To me,  it's all about one or two very important things, whether they are willing to give up their time for you and whether they want to establish that connection with you - in whatever way possible. 

I will look beyond your faults as a human being, for you are my friend. But the moment you think, I've got better things to do, the value of true friendship is broken to shits. I can probably still call you a friend, but what kind of friendship is that ? 

Hence, in this day and age, we truly have many 'friends'. But can we really question ourselves, how many friendships do we have ? 

so, to you friends whom I've known and love, those who were/are willing to spend their time and toil with me, to laugh with me, to enjoy a meal with me, you are a friendship i will keep. 

to you other, friends, here's to your life and i wish you the best. 

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